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rel.restrict(Predicate.eq(:a, "foo"))
rel.restrict(a: "foo", b: "bar", ...)
rel.restrict(->(t) { t[:a] == "foo" })

Alias: where


Remove tuples from a relation according to a given criterion.

Example: Which are all the products with price less than 500?


Creates a new relation by selecting some tuples of the original using a predicate, so that the tuples of the output are a subset of the tuples of the original.

Predicates are instances of the predicate gem, which also handles conversion of predicates to SQL. This means predicates can be created and composed in a flexible and composable way. Read more about creating and composing predicates on the Predicates page.

Apart from using the predicate factory methods Predicate.eq, Predicate.neq etc, one can pass a hash specifying a predicate using equality. For example, in:

rel.restrict(a: "foo", b: "bar")

the argument is equivalent to Predicate.eq(:a, "foo") & Predicate.eq(:b, "bar")

It is also possible to define the predicate in terms of a lambda (or proc). The lambda will be passed one tuple at a time, and returns true/false to determine which tuples are kept and which are discarded. Note that restrict using a lambda cannot be compiled to SQL (but can be arbitrarily chained with operations that can). See the documentation on using a RDBMS backend for more information.

In some contexts it can also be convenient to create a predicate which selects everything (Predicate.tautology) or one that selects nothing (Predicate.contradiction).


The specified attributes referenced by the predicate must be part of the input relation’s heading.


Consult the Overview page for the data model used in these examples.

With regular predicate

suppliers.restrict(, 20) | Predicate.eq(:sid, "S1")).to_a
[{:sid=>"S1", :name=>"Smith", :status=>20, :city=>"London"},
{:sid=>"S3", :name=>"Blake", :status=>30, :city=>"Paris"},
{:sid=>"S5", :name=>"Adams", :status=>30, :city=>"Athens"}]
Generated SQL
SELECT `t1`.`sid`, `t1`.`name`, `t1`.`status`, `t1`.`city`
FROM `suppliers` AS 't1'
WHERE ((`t1`.`status` > 20) OR (`t1`.`sid` = 'S1'))

With lambda predicate

suppliers.restrict(->(t) { t[:city].length < 6 }).to_a
[{:sid=>"S2", :name=>"Jones", :status=>10, :city=>"Paris"},
{:sid=>"S3", :name=>"Blake", :status=>30, :city=>"Paris"}]
Generated SQL

Predicates using lambdas are not compiled to SQL.